Do You Trust Your Intuition?

Two weeks ago I had the reoccuring inner nudge that sounded like this: “I want to get in my pajamas and watch a movie. Snuggle up. Rest. Enjoy this season.” Of which my logical, RESPONSIBLE mind, said, “I can’t do that. It’s 3:00 in the afternoon and I have STUFF to do. Lots of work and catch up. Maybe later in the month.”

The INNER NUDGE for this request came three times within three days.

Although that inner kid or my highest self – whichever you call it – said YES, my logical mind or  the JUDGE as I call that voice said no. Too irresponsible. Stuff to do. I can rest later in the month. And so on.

So what happened? About a week later (last week) I started developing a sore throat and a nasty cold. And then guess what happened? I had to rest. And I ended up in my pajamas and watching movies. 🙂

Wouldn’t it have been easier for me to trust my INNER NUDGES (intuition) and simply honored what my body was saying I needed in the first place?

Yes, of course. I am reminded once again to trust and have faith in my inner nudges, knowing that resting and playing and JOY are the keys to success and achievement. To trust, versus deny, my inner nudges, promptings, and impressions even if they don’t make “sense”.

What is your INNER NUDGE telling you to do?



Tiffany Walke Peterson is a Success Expert, Speaker, and Coach, focused on inspiring individuals and organizations in creating lasting change and stellar results by applying proven success principles, strategies and systems. To learn more about Tiffany and her programs, visit

Thoughts Become Things

We get what we focus on.

Seek and ye shall find.

What we think about, we bring about.

However you want to say it, the same TRUTH is at play here. Our minds are powerful creation machines. Whatever you plug into it on a consistent basis, it will continue to manufacture more thoughts, feelings, and results that mirror those thoughts. In other words, what we give our attention to gets bigger or expands in our lives and produces results right in alignment with the directions the mind has given out.

The great news is this: we can choose the thoughts we think. I’m not saying every random thought that ever crosses our mind, yet rather become clear about what you do want to think about, focus on, and expand in your life, your relationships, your bank account, and your body.

Think of a current challenge you’re facing ~ it may be brand new or an oldie of several years. Got one? Just pick one for this exercise sake. 🙂

Now, consider the last few days, weeks, or months. When you tend to “think” about this challenge are you more often thinking and feeling positively or negatively? Likely negative odds say.

Now that we are once again AWARE we can choose our thoughts, choose a thought that comes from your problem solver, your high self, your best you. Put that chosen thought down in writing of how you choose to “think” about (and make bigger in your life) this very challenge or perhaps now, opportunity you’re facing. For example, “I am capable. I am creating peace and harmony in my body. I am learning to trust myself with money. I am following through on my organization. I am choosing to respond to all challenges in a calm manner.”

We all get what we focus on. So choose in your favor and focus on the good things you already have and want to experience more of in your life. “Thoughts Become Things” ~ Mike Dooley. If you want different “things”, think different thoughts.

Bless you!


Tiffany Walke Peterson is a Success Expert, Speaker, and Coach, focused on inspiring individuals and organizations in creating lasting change and stellar results by applying proven success principles, strategies and systems. To learn more about Tiffany and her programs, visit